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Ich nutze:
C-Control II Unit
C-Control II Station
CCRP5 mit CC2-Unit (Conrad Roboter)
eigenes Board
original OS     OSOPT_V2     OSOPT V3.0 OSOPT V3.1

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Wichtig: Bitte mache Zeilenumbrüche, bevor Du am rechten Rand des Eingabefeldes ankommst !  

> > > Then, when I try the "Load OS" I selected the file "osopt_v3-1b1_64kConst.hex", > > the PC SW displays: "boot.hex was not found!" at the window bottom. > > What's that? > > > > I found the file after installing the IDE... > I've been able to download the boot, the firmware and the application, everything works! > > I still don't understand why the firmware has vanished? > Are some stations was sold without any OS at all? > > Thanks a lot for your help; I think I would not have done the job alone! > > Now I may play a bit with the IDE to look at this piece of HW... > Seems interesting, even for non-germans ;-) I don't understand why they > do not try to make English versions, at least they may translate the docs... > > Have nice dreams, > Philippe.
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