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Re: English manual for CCll Kategorie: CC2-Unit & Appl.Board / CC2-Station (von CTC - 17.06.2003 15:33)
Als Antwort auf English manual for CCll von Bernard Mulvihill - 17.06.2003 15:16

> Sorry for writting this in English but I cant speak German. Could anyone out there tell me where I could
> get an English version manual for the C-Control Station ll (two). I would really appreciate this....


sorry, but there is no english manual available.
The c-control II station is in principle the compact version
of a main-unit with applicationboard.
The manual of the main unit (available in english) differs from
the station's manual just in the description of this piece of hardware.


    Antwort schreiben


Re: English manual for CCll (von Bernard Mulvihill - 17.06.2003 15:39)