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Re: call Kategorie: Programmierung (von Robert - 29.07.2001 12:27)
Als Antwort auf Re: call von Eric - 27.07.2001 13:01

> If any one is interested I can post the disassembled and annotated version of the os.hex file to this forum. This allows you to see what the CC2 is doing when it is executing yor C2 program.

Hello Eric,

"Immer ran damit !", as we say in germany.

To post your disassembled and annotated version of the os.hex file is a good idea. So other people dosend have to "invent the wheel again".

you can post your disassembled os.hex file to the webmaster of http://www.cc2net.de (mail adress: cc2files@cc2net.de) so he can put it on his collection of assembler-programms.

best regards


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Wrong e-mail-address (von André H. - 29.07.2001 12:51)